Thursday, March 4, 2010


While this winter has been deemed horrendous by most wave sliding enthusiasts marooned on the desolate frozen tundra that was once known as St. Augustine -- we here at the production company are taking the Ostrich with his head in the sand approach. Where grumbling surf Zombies choose to only see knee high extremity numbing curmudgeon --we see Sweat Tea colored peelers begging for someone to curl ten little icicle clad piggies. Sure we're totally nuts and only a few of the waves we catch are really worth the hassle-- but hey at least we're surfing ( which in our opinion is always better than not.)

TC was good enough to break out the water housing during a recent frozen jaunt over to Cockroach Alley.... Thanks for the Memories

The lighting for Drew Millers saltwater stroll was unbeatable...

Tortoise and the Haire nominated by The Academy for the most resemblance to an Oscar while dangling frost bitten piggies

Northsideide backwash will on occasion accommodate a hang Ten or two

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